Good Morning, World!

This is the sweet little face I see every morning.  Olive gets up early…and waits.  I wake up gradually, but even before I open my eyes I know she’s staring at me, considering what it will take to get me up so we can start our day.  Should I squeak a...

Breaking News: Jennifer Discovers Body Butter

Direct from the personal care aisle at Walmart to my vanity at home comes a moisturizing cream that everyone else probably already discovered long ago: body butter. Thick, creamy—and yes, butter-like—this marvelous stuff jumped into my shopping cart the other day and...

Year of the Salad

I’m not sure what 2021 is going to bring, but one thing I am declaring right now:  2021 is the Year of the Salad in my household.   My one and only goal this year is to eat a minimum of four salads a week.  This may be the most daunting goal I’ve ever...

My Frozen Little Dude

I’m a summer girl through and through, but even I have to appreciate the magical aspects of a wintry world when everything appears to be encased in glass.  Here is my “little dude,” a garden statue I planted alongside a path near my house a couple of...