Direct from the personal care aisle at Walmart to my vanity at home comes a moisturizing cream that everyone else probably already discovered long ago: body butter. Thick, creamy—and yes, butter-like—this marvelous stuff jumped into my shopping cart the other day and is suddenly an indispensible part of my bed-time ritual.  

How did this happen?  I wasn’t actually shopping for lotions.  But, well, you know how it is at Walmart—you stop in for laundry detergent and come out with cookies, potholders, a tire gauge, an HD television antenna, fragrant wax melts, paint brushes, a quilted comforter, a card table, bottled water, dog biscuits, a novelty sweatshirt, light bulbs, nail polish, and four tubes of body butter.  It isn’t until you are back in the car, headed for home, that it occurs to you that you forget to buy the detergent.  (That, my friends, is the Walmart experience in a nutshell.)

Anyway, I unexpectedly found myself in the personal care aisle and saw these pretty tubes of Jergens body butter.  Because I do judge a product by its packaging, those pretty botanical illustrations were impossible to resist.  This time my impulse purchase paid off.  I’ve been using it every night, and my dry winter skin is dry no more!  But also, the fragrances are fantastic.  Four scents are available: citrus, rose, lavender, and eucalyptus mint.  Those last two are my favorites—very calming and lovely.  

I don’t usually talk about skin care (I’m just not that into it), nor do I get any sort of sponsorship or endorsement fee from Jergens.  But I like these butters so much I just wanted to share.