This is the sweet little face I see every morning.  Olive gets up early…and waits.  I wake up gradually, but even before I open my eyes I know she’s staring at me, considering what it will take to get me up so we can start our day.  Should I squeak a little until she gets up?  Should I paw at her arm?  Step on her face?  Or should I just sit and stare and stare?  All of these strategies have proven effective, so she can be sure I won’t be asleep for long.  Some mornings—her favorite mornings—we jump in the car and head to McDonald’s first thing.  She only gets a small piece of egg from my McMuffin, but as much as she looks forward to that bit of egg, what she really enjoys, and what I love, is just the time we can spend together, watching the sun come up.  

What would I do without her?